
Event Date: May 8-13, 2011
  • Views: 8756
  •   Added: 08/02/2010   
  •   Updated: 08/02/2010   
Location: Linkoping, Sweden

Organization: Linkoping University

Contact person: Tina Malmstrom
Phone: +46 13 28 10 00
Email: info@wrec2011.com

The World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) is an international scientific conference that provides an excellent opportunity for discussion and knowledge exchange for scientists, policy-makers, engineers and other specialists with an interest in issues related to renewable energy. WREC 2011 will take place in Linköping, Sweden during May 8-13, 2011. The Congress is hosted by Linköping University in close cooperation with the World Renewable Energy Congress/Network.

Based on the theme "Future Trends and Applications in Renewable Energy Technologies and Sustainable Development", WREC 2011 will cover a wide range of topics related to renewable energy technology, energy efficiency, climate change and sustainable energy systems. During WREC 2011 presentations on cutting-edge research and keynote lectures by international experts will be complemented by workshops on central subjects, as well as an international exhibition and a poster display. Authors are invited to contribute original papers related to the topics covered by the Congress.