4th BTLtec (Biomass to Liquids)

Event Date: 24-25 Sep, 2009
4th BTLtec (Biomass to Liquids)
  • Views: 10876
  •   Added: 07/20/2009   
  •   Updated: 07/20/2009   
Location: Graz, Germany
Address: Graz

Organization: Centre for Management Technology

Contact person: Jaime Ng
Phone: +65 63469145
Fax: +65 63455928
Email: cynthia@cmtsp.com.sg

We are pleased to announce that OPTFUEL Consortium, Europe's most ambitious BTL project, have confirmed their support for CMT’s 4th BTLtec conference!

Made up of 10 partners from 5 countries, OPTFUEL, set-up in February 2009, aims to establish the technical basis for the large-scale production of biomass-toliquid (BtL) products for use in vehicles. The consortium also aims to demonstrate the potential of pollutants emissions reduction in vehicle applications. On that note, CMT is really honoured to also announce that OPTFUEL consortium member Volkswagen is sending Dr. Frank Seyfried, Head of Group Research (Fuel and Oils) to share an automaker's perspective on "BTL fuels in current and future engine technologies".

Dr. Seyfreid will also cover the economic aspects and potential of reducing energy and greenhouse emissions from all parts of the BtL value chain. Furthermore, CMT is please to have Dr. Boyan Kavalov from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) who will offer participants at 4th BTLtec "Market Perspectives of Biorefinery Products".

The 4th BTLtec summit also includes a half day optional site visit to the Biomass CHP Gussing Plant & BioSNG demonstration plant. Places are limited and on a first come first serve basis.