Salon Bois Energie 2016

- Views: 2879
- Added: 10/02/2015
- Updated: 10/02/2015
Address: 28 Bd Gambetta
Organization: BEES
Contact person: Nadia HALAIMIAPhone: +33 3 84 86 89 30
Fax: +33 3 84 43 24 03
Salon Bois Energie 2016, Nancy, France : 15-17 March
The Salon Bois Energie is a unique Exhibition in France dedicated to the entire wood energy chain. It is the benchmark event for wood energy. Staged in 2016 in Nancy, already welcoming 20 countries through its doors, the Salon Bois Energie is the international show place and meeting point for the French market. NEW : For the 2016 edition, the Exhibition will run on weekdays only (Tuesday to Thursday), facilitating the participation of the national and international wood energy sector and is oriented uniquely to professional visitors.
This distinctive event is reputed for bringing wood energy to life - indoor operational stoves and fireplaces, outdoor wood fuel machinery demonstrations, exhibitors from all across Europe, conferences, and innovation awards. A large number of Innovations are introduced onto the market at the Salon Bois Energie, providing key insights into future trends for wood energy… and the Innovation Competition held during the event recognises and rewards the most significant of these product and service breakthroughs.
Key numbers anticipated for 2016 : forestry and wood equipment, wood fuel production and supply, district and industrial heating, domestic heating,...
- 400+ exhibitors and represented companies, coming from 20 countries
- 8,000+ professional visitors
Visitor Registration : in the lead up to the event, professional visitors will be able to register online for an e-badge providing multiple day free entry to the event
Following the success of Biogaz Europe staged in parallel with the Salon Bois Energie in 2015 in Nantes, an independent Biogaz Pole will be integrated into the Salon Bois Energie in Nancy in 2016 which will enable exhibitors and visitors alike to explore the synergies between gaseous and solid forms of bioenergy as well as to explore projects of a purely biogas nature.
Venue : Parc Expo, Nancy, France
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